Core Contact Details
At Gatherpaddle, we are dedicated to offering our users cutting-edge and invaluable online education. Our courses are meticulously crafted to be informative, engaging, and relevant to
real-world scenarios.
Company Legal Name : Gatherpaddle
Mailing Address: 2833 Foxwood Trail, Madison, WI 53713, United States
Business Phone: +13093331898
No Responsibility for Linked Content:
We are not liable for the content of external links included in our educational resources. The responsibility for such content rests solely with the respective site owners, and we neither endorse nor manage the information presented on third-party sites.
Service Revision Rights:
We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue any services offered through our website at any time and without prior notice. Additionally, we may update or amend the content to ensure it remains relevant and accurate. These changes will take effect immediately upon being posted on the website.